Monday, August 31, 2009


Urm,its been awhile since i last update my blog.a few months already i guess?

yea school holiday is over already.i wanted to update my blog during holiday actually.but because of the lightning which burnt down my modem so whole holiday cant online!

urm just celebrated my daddie birthday.i cook him breakfast and bought him a tie and a shirt which cost me around Rm80++.i share with my sis actually but my mom got it paid first.And er,i still owe my mom Rm40.i am so broke lately.i only 20+ in my wallet.still need to pay so many!damm

and er during night time i went to a dinner.With my friends for interact dinner.Had a great time at there.Really great.haha.she looks gergrous that girl what of cause nice de larh.took some picture that day.some are still with teo and debbie.gonna take from them soon.

urm,what else?got nothing to say i will just end this post with some picture.i will try to update more often if i have the time.Oh yeah before i forget i am lately addicted to DRAGON BALL Z!


phe and bb

teo and debbie




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